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ספרים בבית המדרש

Materials for holidays

Find your way around, connect events and texts, fall in love with the culture: 

In order to stand on the richness of the Jewish creation, orientation is required. The transformations approach enables spatial recognition alongside personal assessment - where am I in relation to all this? In what context were the things written (Tract of Avot, Joseph's stories, Qumran scrolls and more),   When was Halacha created? What was the status of women in different periods? What is the connection between the empires that were in the Land of Israel and the culture of the Jews?    


These questions are the tip of the iceberg that emerges from the process. The educators among us will be able to think from this about the development of a significant education - onA rich development of a holidayorInterdisciplinary teachinggood. 

The examples here are from the "Transformations in Israeli Culture" meetings - within the Beit Midrash Shikha in the Galilee (from which the Goth Institute was born - see "About") led by Dr. Oren Yahi-Shalom. 

לוגו שיח ה בגליל

What can I do with it? 

Knowledge and orientation in culture are an essential element for every educator. Knowing transformations creates for us layers of meaning in each holiday - and thus the preparation processes for the holidays can be enriched: understanding the events or origins of the holiday and deciphering the meaning of the symbols in their proper context.

Also - an understanding of transformations creates a more significant affinity between the works of culture - which are actually school subjects!   Literature  is always written in a certain context - so is the literature of the Bible, Tractates in the Mishnah, or medieval poetry. A view of law develops and changes depending on the context - so does the perception of human status, and the proper social structure (citizenship), and historical events are related in thought (philosophy) and regional transformations. Everything is connected. So transformations are a tremendous opportunity for building axes Pedagogics for the development of interdisciplinary teaching - foundation forHumanistic education.

The process requires adjustment in scope and emphasis. 

At the "Hagut Institute" educators and academics are field experts with extensive experience. We will be happy to be at your disposal and assist you in adapting content to development processes and training towards a vision, or a special interdisciplinary program. 

You can get to know some of the experts in the leading team of the Hagut Institute.. 

Meetings  Israel's transformations in a nutshell (as mentioned must be adapted to each frame) 

Introductory sessions

  • What is the term "Judaism"? (religion, race, culture and their consequences). 

  • What is culture?  Various definitions, culture as a system of symbols. 

  • Discussion - Why exchanges? 1- To instill a feeling that Judaism is a culture.  2- A map - a sense of orientation 3- A deep recognition that universal values develop in Jewish culture.

Questions: Jewish "essence"? ,  What is a subculture?   Shmuel's transformation model

The establishment of Israel (and Judah) among the bronze period to the iron period

  • between local (autochthonous) and immigrants

  • Kingdoms and periods of the Land of Israel - between Egypt and the northern kingdoms

  • The Late Bronze Crisis and Interpretive Theories

  • Characteristics of "Israel"  - between "Tel Aviv"  and "Jerusalem".


In  The Assyrian return - Judah the Great

  • Babylonian Assyrians and Persians - orientation in the ancient space

  • Kings  and currents in Judah, founding texts 

  • The Josiah political reform and its consequences  


C   – The monotheistic exchange and its consequences

  • The process of writing the Bible  - Many voices between Judah and Few Judah

  • The monotheistic revolution - the revolution of Persian consciousness!  an idea  unity in an intercultural context (currents and views in Greek culture and more)._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b_58d_136

  • The universal moral revolution  against the currents of the priesthood..  (Max Weber against the vision of the prophets). Analysis of stories: Cain and Abel, Sinai Covenant, Gerizim Covenant and others.

D-  The Hellenistic exchange - from the House of Hasmoneans until the migration to Babylon

The formation of Hellenistic Judaism - Archeology of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel

  • The controversy of the time  – Rosh Hashanah midrash 

  • Synagogues - a model for cultural change in the Hellenistic way

  • Hellenistic layers in the ancient Israeli holidays: Seder night, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yohak,  Sukkot. Hanukkah.  

  • Editing of texts - the gathering of the biblical canon, the innovation of the Mishnah (Avot, Kiddoshin, etc.) the disappearance of the Ta'anit tract. 

The   - rationalist revolution   versus mysticism and messianism (Neoplatonicism)

  • Saadia Gaon, Ivan Ezra, Rambam   and many others.  The profound influence of Greek philosophy among Arab and Jewish wisdom in the Middle Ages._cc781905-5cde-5b3194-bb3cfd_

  • The basic concepts of Rambam's view (from the reasons of the mitzvot to the act of Genesis) and their influence on the discourse of Israel's thought up to our time. 

  • The people of Israel between Abbasids, Crusaders, Mamluks  and the Khazar kingdom.

and   - the revolution of secularism and modernity

  • Between Giambattista Vico   and Copernicus and Newton - the scientific exchange

  • The circle of modernity - from philosophy to scientific thinking, industrialization, urbanization, and the establishment of the modern state - the challenge of citizenship and nationalism. Is modernity local? 

  • The Jewish problem and European education   -   Mendelssohn, Israel's wisdom and the Galician tension. Yiddish culture, Hebrew revival and emancipation Judaism. Currents between mysticism and democracy. 

G- The revolution of Hebrew nationalism

  • The new Jew and the challenges of the Hebrew education system in the Land of Israel

  • The struggle for the renewal of Hebrew   and the national creation (art, literature, cinema and more)

  • Ontology of the Jewish currents in the Land of Israel (religious, traditional, secular), and in the West - liberal Judaism. 

  • Pedagogical reading of the Declaration of Independence as a foundation for questions in the present

Cross discussion:

Minor revolutions (the organization of the priesthood, the centralization of worship, the Sabbath, the writing of mysticism, the development of Halacha, the acceptance of Safed, the rise of Messianism, the development of modern Orthodoxy, and more).

The human value among the transformations

God's image among the transformations

Types of transcendence - what is spirit? Does the secular current also carry a spirit? 

Summary of concepts: essentialism,  spirit and religion,  spiritual versus spiritual, education as a story. 

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